You took the words right out of my mouth! Coburn has been equal parts wretched and climber. A GREAT disappointment.
Frankly, he reminds me of Santorum. Get pure gold from his lips one minute, and then his big and stupid actions prove to be a kick in the stomach. Just, BLAST!!!
I consider Coburn worse than that. I believe he is a ‘Sleeper cell lefty’. His vote on Sunday,late at night,five days before Christmas of the 2010 lame duck session,to push through the stalinist,’Food Safety and Modernization Act’, was unconscionable. That Act,is designed to control the food supply by over-regulation and use denial of food as a weapon against the American people. It even allows Obama control over home gardens. Classic leninism. Coburn’s single vote could have buried it,instead,he chose to let it pass by ‘Unanimous Consent’. Also, the only reason Coburn has a high ACU rating,is because he votes against liberal Bills he has no chance of stopping and votes for Conservative Bills he has no chance of getting passed. Traitor!