If I voted for either romney or obama, i’d face my Lord, my Judge one day who could ask me: “If you sought the protection of those I created in their home the womb, why did you vote for a man who promoted the womb’s invasion?” In mitt’s case, my Lord could also ask me — were I to vote for him — “Since you knew Romney to be one who lusted for power as My rival ‘wannabe god,’ why would you elevate a human idol via your vote?”
-—”If I voted for either romney or obama, id face my Lord, my Judge one day who could ask me: If you sought the protection of those I created in their home the womb, why did you vote for a man who promoted the wombs invasion? “
Fair enough, I see your point and thank you for answering in a civil manner.
So I guess your answer is Abstention, which I said is not an option because hard choices must be made.
In reality, either way you look at it there are two choices - Obama vs. Mittens and:
—One candidate is fully pro-abortion and,
—One candidate says he’s pro-life but was pro-abortion in the past.
You are currently assuming Romney is lying about his alleged “pro-life position” — purely based on his historical record 15-20 years ago.
Do you see that Obama as Marxist-in-chief is far less business-friendly than his opponent and that his marxist cronies could destroy our economy.
As you know, a vote for Obama could result in Armageddon for the world as we know it in the next 4 years with collapse of societies, violence, rape, pestilence.
A Romney vote might mean pro-choice, pro-gay politics (we don’t know this for sure, but it’s indeed possible), but at least has a chance of rescuing capitalism and liberty in the world and perhaps could avoid the coming Obamageddon.
Given the foregoing, do you REALLY think the Creator would make a shallow judgment of you for voting for a closet pro-choice candidate if that vote makes the difference between saving the world for humanity??
I believe, that, my friend, is the true argument. There are just too many other things at stake for our world and our society to allow the ruthless Obama Regime to destroy America for 4 more years.
Do you really believe God doesn’t recognize that fact, too?
Or do you just think you would be punished for voting for a LIKELY (not certain, but likely) pro-gay, pro-abortion candidate, irrespective of the fact that that vote could save our economy and our freedom in other regards?
I guess I view God as having a better worldview than that.
Speaking of which, think of the wide difference between Romney and Obeyme on Islamofascism! Obama’s coziness with Islamofascists alone, might bring about the world’s downfall before his Marxist plans do! Romney is clearly not flip-flopping on his dislike for Islamofascism.