Funny, I didn’t gracelessly surrender anything. I will never be FOR legalizing street drugs in the US, period. But you just honk on, Sir Pothead...
the man was shown to be a pothead,
But not shown to be high at the time of his crime, as you've been claiming.
and had no traces of bath salts.
You admitted he had taken "pot and most likely something else combined that he bought off the streets."
And this country doesnt need any less functioning people.
So do you support a return to Prohibition of the function-lessening drug alcohol?
The things that potheads will do to feed their habits are certainly harmful to themselves and others.
Only because it's illegal - otherwise they'd feed their habits the same way boozers do.
Yada! Yada! Yada! Go pull somebody elses leg, pothead.
Your graceless surrender has been nominated for inclusion in the Drug Warrior Hall of Shame.
Funny, I didnt gracelessly surrender anything. I will never be FOR legalizing street drugs in the US, period.
Yes, you gracelessly surrendered from the forum of reasoned debate. That you continue to cling to your baseless personal opinions, I don't doubt - and don't care.