Because it appears that we was not a combat trained shooter, it is likely that a 9MM or .45 hitting him in whatever armor he was wearing would have delayed the next shot and might have made him a bit wary, slowing down his shooting.
The objective of defensive shooting is to keep the perp from making the next shot. Delaying his next shot with return fire would have been good. Hitting him outside his armor would be better. I am going to guess that having CCWs actively firing on the goofball would have reduced the number of casualties.
Make sure you and your family are behind the good guys when the shooting starts...
Your so right. Lots of folks think that if you have a vest and helmet bullets are like spitballs. Nope. At least, the target is pushed aside or back or down. The problem with Aurora is that there were to many sheep and not enough sheepdogs.
Or Country’s Leaders need to reestablish the LETSROLL SPIRIT.