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To: ichabod1
but the idea of going to an all-day rock concert makes me throw up a little bit in the back of my mouth.

There aren't a lot of rock festivals in America. Leaving out the bar scene, it's mostly 2-5 bands at a theater ranging in size from a few thousand to 50,000 and more. The main rock room at BB Kings would probably go over the NYC limit for people if 200 showed up for a show. Nokia Theater is probably 500-600, and the Nikon Theater in LI holds over 50,000.

The only festival in the US that comes to mind would be ProgPower USA in Georgia. I think it's two days of progressive and power metal bands, with a few scattered things leading up to the two days of big shows. Better though I believe, you don't get the angry crowds that go to more mainstream metal events. Prog and power bands aren't about stuff like that.

169 posted on 07/24/2012 2:56:27 PM PDT by wastedyears ("God? I didn't know he was signed onto the system.")
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To: wastedyears

That’s interesting - I had no idea. No Lollapalooza or racetrack concerts? I used to love that shite, but something changed in me and I began to loathe them — pissing in the nasty polyvinyl portapotties (and waiting in line to do so), scary drunks, bizarre people, all drunk or on something...

On the dustbin of history? I had no idea. Kind of glad.

188 posted on 07/27/2012 10:03:16 AM PDT by ichabod1 (Spriiingtime for islam, and tyranny. Winter for US and frieeends. . .)
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To: wastedyears

That’s interesting - I had no idea. No Lollapalooza or racetrack concerts? I used to love that shite, but something changed in me and I began to loathe them — pissing in the nasty polyvinyl portapotties (and waiting in line to do so), scary drunks, bizarre people, all drunk or on something...

On the dustbin of history? I had no idea. Kind of glad.

Liability insurance, I’d bet.

189 posted on 07/27/2012 10:03:40 AM PDT by ichabod1 (Spriiingtime for islam, and tyranny. Winter for US and frieeends. . .)
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