Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America stated in a recent interview that he felt that it may have been a staged event, mainly because of what has been revealed by the Fast and Furious inside job.
Frankly, I don’t understand how a man like this could set up such elaborate booby traps in his apartment (and why even bother?) all on his own. That narrative is simply a lot less believable to me than an “inside job”.
Nobody can deny that the goal is civilian disarmament. Those who are working towards that goal are evil. They don’t mind killing innocent people (in the case of Fast and Furious, maybe LOTS of innocent people) to move us in that direction. More and more I get the impression that what is left of the Republic is currently run by psychopaths. Many of them will be keeping their jobs, regardless of who ends up in the WH in November.
the cia egging on a kook? weirder stuff has happened. you are right, this sounds like a brainchild of the present administration, and mitt is not exactly a big wave-maker, so it will be on the hush unless someone, conscience driven, goes to a relatively conservative rag and spills the beans.