“I wonder how many knee jerk dems will be running to the floor with bills outlawing Internet ammo sales next week?”
Foremost, my prayers go out to those innocent people who were killed or wounded by this criminal.
I fear that beyond the tragedy of this incident, the left will try to do what Fast and Furious was unable to do.....eliminate the Second Amendment.
If you live in Wisconsin, don’t think that only internet ammunition purchases are tracked. I am a veteran, spent my career in law enforcement, was a member of the SWAT team and was also trained and worked as a bomb tech. My faith is the guiding principle in my life so I guess you could say that I fit the profile of a person “Big Sis” would consider a person of interest. She probably has copies of every ammunition purchase I have ever made and monitors my computer and phone with regularity.
I only share this because in Wisconsin, at least where I purchase ammunition, I am required to produce my Photo Driver’s License (although I don’t need any ID to vote...go figure) and the clerk punches a number from my license into her computer beside the register.
I’d be curious to know if other states have the same mandate for ammunition purchasers.
I've never purchased ammo off the Internet but here in Nevada ammo can be purchased over the counter with no ID, even here in Clark Co.
Thank you for your service!