cricket:”No question; bigger than Watergate - in truth - just not in political reality. The Leftist Media grew Watergate; and it served their agenda. The truth of Obama does not serve this Media’s agenda.”
The other critical point here is that Nixon was actually ashamed of what he had done and so he resigned. Obama would never be as principled as Nixon...
Oh, so agree! So much irony, in comparing 'moralities' here. Even in his paranoia; albeit; a somewhat understandable paranoia;Nixon had a conscience.
Truly doubt, Obama, has EVER felt a 'self-recriminating' remorse or personal guilt for anything. 'Conscience' is required. And when one suffers a 'mega'-sized narcissism; there is simply no room for such. It appears for Obama - and for all Liberals, for that matter - that conscience is simply a waste of space. They have an entirely different 'checks/balance' MO; rooted in amoral or anti-moral ground.
Questionable; that there ever was an authentic moral ground for Marx; and all who imagine his wisdom. No question; Liberalism/Leftism is a perverse, 'chicken/egg' unfolding.