Many at the republican convention are socialists.. although technically they are fascists... Fascism and socialism are sisters.. They do the same thing only differently..
The problem is democracy, which is the political disease, that has socialism as a symptom.. Most republicans love democracy as a holy word.. ignoring that democracy is Mob Rule by mobsters..
NO democracy has ever yet been democratic.. none..
Democracy was and is a lie.. thats why the US used to be a republic..
It will take RADICAL change to re-arrange the United States as a republic..
Conservative change will NOT do it..
Conservatives are blowing up an empty pipe.. there is nothing there..
YOU must be a radical to reverse America from its fate..
Democracy is the road to socialism. -Karl Marx
Democracy is indispensable to socialism.
The goal of socialism is communism. -V.I. Lenin
The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism .-Karl Marx
“When something goes radically in one direction, the only way to change it is go radically in the other direction. Taking it to the middle just won’t do it.” Paraphrasing Tony Robbins.
Good work, hp.