Society might survive legal marijuana. But legal hard drugs? Look at the societies that tolerated them: America in the 19th century, pre-communist China, Iran until the late 1950s. All had HUGE addict populations - the Iranians still do.
The drug war is a necessary evil. I wish it wasn’t, but it is.
How do you justify support for trampling the Tenth Amendment by use of the expansive Commerce Clause?
By 1900, about one American in 200 was either a cocaine or opium addict.
...the Office of National Drug Control Policy pegs the current number of cocaine addicts at around 3.6 million people.
"For example, numbers like heroin addiction. You can find numbers that go from 255,000 up to the one I'm currently using, 980,000, if I remember the last time we updated it, and those are all valid scientific studies." --Drug Czar Mcaffrey
Adding the ONDCP numbers for cocaine and heroin addiction together yields an addiction rate of about 1.5%. So after a century of increasingly aggressive prohibition, our own government is telling us that addiction has gone from 0.5% in 1900 to 1.5% in 2000.