With them out in the open now, willing to sell out Conservative principles at the drop of a hat, I think we will have a far stronger Conservative movement.
Uh, no, we are not.
Let's see the choice here, between the major candidates, pro and con.
Obama - he is tanking the economy with his policies. He is abusing executive power. He and his lackeys flaunt the law.
I doubt there are more than a handful of FR posters remaining who wanted Romney all along. The strong majority of persons are not pro-Romney but are instead ABO. A reasoned case can be made that a Romney win would lead to a significant improvement in the economy and may curtail the abuses of power that we see with Obama, and may lead to better judicial appointments.
Romney - you can't trust a word he says. If Obama wins, the GOP in Congress would fight his socialism. If Romney wins, the GOP-E would join with Dems to push socialism-lite. A Romney win would entrench the GOP-E and make it almost impossible in the near-to-mid term to implement the kind of changes needed to repair entitlements and other perils to our financial stability. In other words, it would be, IMO, a pyrhhic victory.
IMO those who support Romney see it is imperative to get Obama out of office to curtail the damage Obama can do with four more years in the hopes that Romney in the long run would do less damage. I think the first half is a valid statement. The second half is dubious.
But all that aside, I get back to my core point - why on Earth would the GOP-E go along with replacing Romney in Tampa when his candidacy has done more damage to conservative unity than they could have dreamt of a year ago? They have to be absolutely giddy with glee.
And the solution is not to cave and vote Romney. The solution, IMO, is to realize that we have far more in common with the people on FR we are attacking than the real foes we face - the socialists in both parties. So far, they are winning and we are losing.
We lost the war in the GOP primary. No point in bayoneting the injured who still remain. We need to get back on our feet and work for conservatives down-ticket and try to repair the damage to get ready for 2012 and 2014. And we need to learn from this disaster - we cannot fight among ourselves and expect to be effective fighting those who truly wish our demise.