I would take it point by point, but too much time involved.
Suffice to say that Jindal IS an anchor baby, and that I said BOTH Jindal and Rubio ARE citizens, just not “natural born citizens” per the time of the writing of the US Constitution.
So, if you’re not accurate about what’s wrong or accurate about what’s right, I really don’t need to address the rest of the post other than to say that you need to reread everything you think you understood.
Other than that, why do you care? After all, you ABO’s think Romney’s coasting to victory. What’s a little questioning of his record by some nameless freeper gonna accomplish anyway? This should just slide off your back.
“Suffice to say that Jindal IS an anchor baby, and that I said BOTH Jindal and Rubio ARE citizens, just not natural born citizens per the time of the writing of the US Constitution.”
This is nonsense. I could care less about “per the time of the writing of the US Constitution.” I care about the Constitution; the two parent requirement is not in the Constitution. This is make believe.