She did say last August on her visit to Iowa that she “could support someone like Romney.”
She may have said that before the primaries, I mean who would have thought Romney was probably going to be the nominee.
Now when she speaks of him, she seems to just gag when she says his name, AND she said in a brokered convention she would step up.....hardly a support statement for someone like Romney.
Romney DOES NOT hate America, Romney IS NOT a socialist/communist/marxist/revolutionary/sharia law loving thug.
That's the difference that counts the most. We sit on Romney's behind and pound away at him to make sure he hears the word of We The People.
For those of you who will not vote for Romney, a few words to you. If you don't think we can overcome the tyranny of punks like oboma and holder, you are a wimp and frankly you sound more French than American. If you want to waive the white flag of surrender, We The People will have to win this war without you.