OTOH not having the House for the first two years did the most damage of all.
I think we conservatives need to hold those accountable who are already elected and doing nothing before we are expected to be taken seriously about other candidates and looked upon as having any credibility as to whether the new candidates are good or not.
Look at John Boehner! Can you really tell me that you're satisfied with the conservative gains in 2010?
With all due respect Sarah Palin (A REAL conservative) worked hard and succeeded in helping the conservative movement in 2010. Without Sarah Palin I doubt we would control the House today.
You cannot be a real Sarah Palin supporter if you are okay with this House spitting in the face of Sarah and quite frankly in our faces. We need to hold those who betrayed us accountable. It's not only unfair to Sarah Palin (who has worked hard and has taken many hits from the left and the RINOs) but also unfair to the conservative voters.
It's time to hold those accountable who are already elected who ran as conservatives for out vote. Romney is NOT a conservative. Our side did not win. Perhaps the performance coming out of the republican controlled House has something to do with our side losing in the primary.
We need to clean Congress out of RINOs. Obama's done more damage to America in the last 1.5 years than he did in the first two. That's telling!