There is a 7% union participation rate in the private sector. So there is a 93% chance that your hypthetical screwdriver is non-union made. Secondly, labor costs on average bwtween 4 and 10% of the retail price of manufactured goods, so at most your $1.00 screwdriver would be $1.10.
If not, this is an example of unions driving up cost.
It's not just wages, it's your union demands that drive up the cost.
City and state taxes are high because of unions. If you haven't noticed they are going broke because of union demands and they are wanting to raise taxes even more.
Taxes are passed along to the consumer every step of the way, from the iron ore to the steel used to make the screwdriver to the screwdriver itself, until the final consumer has to pay them all.
It's all the union hidden cost that drive up the prices, not just the one you see, they guy making the screwdriver.