Two facts make my vote for Cruz a sure thing: 1) Dewhurst being tied at the hip to Strauss; and 2) Dewhurst’s relentlessly negative campaign against Cruz, with nothing about what Dewhurst stands for or plans to try to do (other than “I’m a life-long conservative....”).
Dewhurst’s negative ads make him sound a lot like Obama - “pay attention to the other guy and what I say about him, nevermind about me or what my record says I’ll do in office.”
Screw the establishment Republicans - I want someone who unabashedly stands up for the Constitution and the people of this country, not someone who has been training to be an inside-the-Beltway, RINO, non-entity since birth.
Honestly, I can only go by what the candidates profess to be their stand on the issues. Hard to know what is truly in a man's heart.
That being said, Dewhurst has been in office for quite sometime here in Texas, he has a record to look back on.
Not a bad record, but a few issues that concerned me the most is, sanctuary cities, border/immigration issues, In state tuition's for kids of illegals.
Dewhurst being the Lt. Gov. could have led the charge to make real changes here...and didn't.
Time for a new face. Cruz seems to be the most conservative.