Was Davis really a commie or was he a plant by the Intelligence Community (FBI or other alphabet-soup agency) to monitor the Chicago underground Red scene? Of some note is the fact Davis’ legitimate son now has an intelligence job at the DEA. My experience is that spookery runs in the family and is often a privilege of family connections. Hence, the IC would go to great lengths to mask Davis’ involvement in this mess. Likewise Obama Jr has to be regarded as a creation of the IC; the perfectly manufactured yes-man with impeccable (that is, unknowable) credentials. Frankly, I have little confidence that Corsi or WND will pursue this obvious line of questioning and suspect they are just another layer of the coverup. Arpaio? One can only hope.
You raise apoint we see rarely. Several years ago a few “bread crumbs” began to appear. I don’t know if they were being scattered as a “Plan B” or whatever, but there are numerous “factoids” that don’t support the “illegal alien, not eligible president, marxist-in-chief” that the libtards actually thought they were voting for (which is why none of this ever bothered any of them and probably why Pubbies “in the know” haven’t been stirring the pot). Zero’s family has probably been so fouled up with the CIA et.al. that his past bears Zero scrutiny. Which brings up an ethical dilemma, really. Does a patriot INSIST on the truth coming out even if it means exposing our security to some level of risk?
“Likewise Obama Jr has to be regarded as a creation of the IC”
Obama is a walking crime spree. A walking ANTI-AMERICAN crime spree.
Everything he has done has been to DESTROY America and the Constitution.
He’s no spook. If he’s a spook he’s working for some KGB/Islamic/Marxist cabal not America.
Mark Davis was/is actually Air force intelligence, not DEA. He posts on the Internet as “Kaleokualoha,” usually commenting on articles about his family where he assures everyone that FMD was not a Communist and is not Barry’s daddy. Lulz.