It’s useless quoting articles that were obviously deliberate misinformation. I am more inclined to give consideration to the statement the kenyan made just before he left Hawaii in June 1962. He told the interviewer he had not been back to Kenya for 7 years. That indicates he left Kenya in 1955, and if you go back through the thread somewhat, you will see he had an older brother who is still alive.
Who might he have been? Himself or his elder brother?
‘Granny’ Sarah has made it clear she does not accept the children of Kezia as being the children of the kenyan student. Doesn’t it seem just a little contrived to you that the kenyan would produce a number of children with Kezia while married to and living with Ruth in Nairobi, whilst working for an oil company?
The kenyan was 25 in 1961 according to the fake COLB. He was 25 on arrival in 1959, according to an interview in which he claimed he had a degree in business administration. Where might he have achieved that? Certainly not in Kenya.
He states his birth year as 1934 on arrival according to the immigration records, then later, the birth year becomes 1936.
Frankly, it makes more sense to look thoroughly at such discrepancies, rather than to try and digest the numerous articles of obvious propaganda we are expected to believe.
Yes, absolutely. That is a very astute observation about a brother. I vaguely remember reading something about two separate airlifts and he could have been the earlier one in 1955? Sigh.. so much to consider. I wish we had a war room of our own. I do clearly remember when the immigration docs came out with the birth date discrepancies (1934/36) and I remember writing at the time something about his one month pineapple picking job being bogus because of the season or something, lol.
No, I didn't think those letters were particularly relevant either, and realize that you vetted the Cambo site back in 2009. The wayback is so helpful and I was even able to get to an old style directory listing. I thought perhaps you saw a website and couldn't grab what was there. If that ever is the case please ping me if I can help.