To: Lazamataz; nhwingut; svcw; xzins; Las Vegas Ron
Really? No in site of the event, just mocking Christie because of his weight, nice going. Why is he eating ice cream when he knows that he is obese? As the governor of a state, he should have a little more self control of his weight.
To: moonshot925
He is eating ice cream because he evidently likes it.
His weight is none of your business.
It is gross stereo typing, that obese people have no self control.
30 posted on
07/07/2012 9:07:24 AM PDT by
(If one living cell on another planet is life, why isn't it life in the womb?)
To: moonshot925
Why is he eating ice cream when he knows that he is obese?Because this is America? Because even bad choices are free to be made by it's citizens, Nanny Bloomberg nonwithstanding?
As the governor of a state, he should have a little more self control of his weight.
When one becomes a Governor, all freedom of choice is removed. Gotchya.
Cut the crap, if you are a conservative. If not, you shouldn't be here.
32 posted on
07/07/2012 9:18:47 AM PDT by
(People who resort to Godwin's Law are just like Hitler.)
To: moonshot925
As the governor of a state, he should have a little more self control of his weight.
Are you the resident food nazi? Live and let live. I despise the food police.
33 posted on
07/07/2012 9:20:39 AM PDT by
(Sarah Palin 12... No One Else)
To: moonshot925
Because it’s legal and within his Consitutionally given rights to do so. You sound like a libtard.
52 posted on
07/07/2012 1:53:06 PM PDT by
(The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson