Romney: the king of the 3 day later comment. The “let me see the way the wind is blowing” guy of all guys.
What a leader — What a Man; What a Mouse: Mighty Mitt!
While I agree that Mitt looks wishy-washy here, it WAS his idiotic spokesman who said it....and he should fire him because it’s not the first time the guy has screwed up...
that being said, he does back up his interpretation based on the reading of the decision about the difference between state powers and fed’s the only way he can play this . He’s got to do more though..he’s got to say what he is going to replace it with (insurance across state lines, HSAs, competition, etc)as well as point out that taxes and wasteful bureaucracy of this monstrosity
“Romney: the king of the 3 day later comment.”
Stop whining. This is not a game. Any reasonable person should at least take the time to read all the opinions and dissents before saying that the decision was political.
Mitt Romney blasted the Supreme Court decision and Obamacare within an hour or two of the decision, in a speech that many here said was one of his best. Maybe you don’t know that but he did not make a “3 day old comment.”
Talking down Romney right now won't change the Republican nomination, it will only suppress the anti-Obama vote.
Romney: the king of the 3 day later comment.
I have learned, from past mistakes, that the Scripture in the Bible is really spot on when it says: “Be swift to hear and slow to speak, slow to wrath.” (James 1:19) Sometimes, wisdom dictates that we don’t spout off in anger and say something unseemly, or even stupid, that we can’t take back. In Presidential politics, one misstep can destroy your campaign. I’ll cut Romney some slack on this one. If we want someone who puts his mouth in gear before engaging his brain, we can put Chris Christie in the VP slot.
Your boy Virgile Good has said nothing about it (his party has). Is he even still alive?
Get used to it. Romney has to blow in the wind for a few days before the direction the wind blows tells him what he should say.
Would you like mayo with your turkey sandwich?
Plastic Man strikes again.
Rom, “I love to laugh...Heh, heh, heh, heh”.