I make a living on coming up with ways to make “impossible” things happen. Its because losers like you are the rule and not the exception that we have so much damn failure out there. I mean WTF? you admit you have no ideas and your resigned to failure.. Fine, shut up and get out of the way of people who DO have ideas, maybe even support them...
Those delegates are still “republicans” and are still (theoretically) anti-socialized healthcare. They are also human with human emotions.
What the SC pulled last week can be used to undermine their “desire” to be “herded” by romney. This turns EVERYTHING on its head and raises the tension significantly. These delegates, CAN be influenced to turn against Mr. Romney care. Just takes a few folks dedicated enough to beating socialism, (and an inside track) to make it happen.
Yeah, you did such a bang-up job during the primaries, I can't wait to see the results you get dislodging Mitt in Tampa.
Its because losers like you are the rule and not the exception that we have so much damn failure out there
Loser? Hardly. I just know a fools errand when I see one.