This cook doesn't see that, but I don't have access to current data. I think Turkey has a 3:1 advantage with technology, personel, and doctrine.
Thanks JRF. My view is that Iran is underrated, and despite a large (perhaps majority) opposition in Iran to the mullahcracy, a war would change that, rapidly and temporarily — and that’s the mirror image of Turkey, where the regime has majority support, but might balk at a war against an Islamofascist state. The two nations are about the same in population, Turkey has a better economy, and neither one has reliable neighbors (mostly surrounded by rivals and enemies). Both have large ethnic minorities who may/will see war as an opportunity for uprising and secession. Iran would have to cope with US interdiction at sea, and would probably do something stupid in that context. The Chinese probably can’t move much materiel over the terrain, or fast enough, and the Russians would cut a deal or two rather than engage NATO, even by proxy.