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To: rusty schucklefurd; hoosiermama
We'll have to go back a dozen years to when the Supremes rule in Gore v Bush in the Florida recount debacle that was brought before them and gave them a blackeye. They really didn't want to become involved in politics or matters that ought to be resolved politically by the individual state in that case or politically by Congress in this case. But both ended up before them and in the first case their ruling punted resolution back to Florida and we know what happened there and the harsh criticism of SCOTUS that followed.

Roberts' vote upheld the mandate of Obamacare but did so only stipulating that it was in the perveiw of Congress to write and pass tax laws. This is not what the Obama administration lawyers argued in the court, they were going whole hog to make the mandate a requirement with penalties for those who didn't comply...a law. To repeal or nullify that law would take a majority in the House and a super majority in the Senate to repeal. By making it a tax law it doesn't have to meet that standard.

Now let's look a the timing and the season we're heading into, election season. You're right that this isn't going back to Congress for a re-vote yet, Even if it did tomorrow, the House would most likely vote to repeal and the Senate wouldn't or stall until next year when congress convenes after the elections. Roberts knows this but like I and others have said didn't want to play around with a political issue that can resolved in congress by duly elected representatives so he punted.

Now how would you like to be a Dem representative or senator running for office or reelection with a tax hike as part of your platform in these times? The mandate doesn't go into effect until 2014 so there's time but this way 2014 is moot if the dems numbers dwindle to minority status and the super majority in the senate disappears. So you're right once again, get rid of obama and elect majorities in both the House and the Senate and kiss this blood sucker goodbye.

If I've screwed up in my analysis, anyone can jump in and scold me. Just don't bore me.
217 posted on 06/28/2012 11:18:20 PM PDT by BIGLOOK (One out of three ain't good enough, Make November work.)
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Right on target. AND it sets the Court up as being nonpartisan if it has to rule of - eligibility.
223 posted on 06/29/2012 3:23:27 AM PDT by hoosiermama ( Obama: " born in Kenya.".. he's lying now or then?)
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To: BIGLOOK; hoosiermama

You and I pretty much agree on this (see my post #226). I’ll simply point out, as I did there, it really is up to the electorate now.

Sure, Romney has come out saying if we don’t want ObamaCare we have to vote Obama out of office. And he’ll start work on repealing it the first day in office. And Cantor has scheduled something in the House in mid-July. But if we’re going to get this done, it will have to be a mandate from the people that sweeps Romney into office. It will have to be a clear mandate, or else congress, in time, will again become the dullards they are.

What rankles me about this, is Roberts playing games when the legislation (in his own words) was clearly unconstitutional due to the mandate failing the commerce clause. This could have been a slam dunk, except he decided to play with his ruling to buck up the face of the SC. On a ruling this momentous, that’s not the time to play around. Not to mention that as a tax, it should have originated in the House. Didn’t he even realize this point?

Anyway, we basically agree, only I hold animosity over this.

230 posted on 06/29/2012 4:28:17 AM PDT by bcsco
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