We don’t respect the Court, the Congress, or the President. So what? If the court suddenly needs to present itself like politicians, then we should give them term limits too. The only point of giving them lifetime appointments is to help them remain apolitical. Well, they’ve given that up, so lets limit the amount of time they can keep screwing up.
The Republican Media is suddenly in love with their new found “silver linings” from this case. Every pundit wants to invent their own silver lining. Boehner has scheduled a repeal vote for 7/9/2012. I’m betting that if the establishment keeps medicating itself with silver linings there will never be another repeal vote; not in 2012, not in 2013.
It's political theatre but maybe a powerful symbol to say, "We mean what we say if you reelect us and push us into majorities and the White House."
Whether it was part of his calculation or not, Roberts punted this beyond the election and since the law hasn't gone into full effect it can and likely will be revisited in the future if it isn't repealed after the election.
Roberts took running against the Supreme Court out of Obama's playbook for reelection and that's important for success in Nov.