—The SCOTUS upheld most of Obama-care by redefining the personal mandate as a tax as the Obama SG argued. I always said this was probably what they would do based on decades of precedents, I obviously didnt know for sure but the fine now called a tax is like an reverse tax credit.—
I saw that as the only way it could stay intact, even though I thought there was no way the SCOTUS could seriously consider it.
Looks like I was wrong.
At least the families of Roberts are safe now. He did what he was told.
No, I am not joking.
I learned in my commercial real estate days that the more money was involved, the more corrupt people were. This was the biggest issue in the history of mankind that did not involve an out and out shooting war.
More like he was worried those party invitations in DC would dry up. see this at #9
Now Roberts will be praised by the progressive elites and MSM as a 'great justice'