Would you not agree this is a strictly constitutional decision? In other words, Justice Roberts agreed that it’s outside the reach of the Commerce Clause but not outside Congress’s constitutionally-granted power to tax?
that’s too nuanced.. They needed to decide and they punted back to the legislature which is in conflict with the executive.
They failed to reach a decision..
If the word "tax" is not in the bill, how can the Supreme Court deem a fee a tax--a tax which forces you to buy a product as a condition of your liberty? That is unprecedented.
You can tax an activity or an item you posses, but you cannot use a tax to force commerce, and then take away a person's libert as a means to force that commerce.
I don't know how you reconcile the mandate does not work under the commerce clause and then say the taxing power can be used to create commerce.
This is complete bullsh!t.