i did not hear him yesterday but Limbaugh definitely seems to be changing his tune today compared to your take on his comments...literally minutes ago he said the word/belief is obama has already been told he lost on the individual mandate and his lemmings in the criminal liberal media are already trying to spin this pending loss as a victory for mullah obama, in the sense a loss on obozocare in the SC is going to fire up the rat base...
we will see but i don’t believe the Arizona case decision has bearing on obozocare..
This is the point I was attempting to make. I also find it nuts to imagine the SC would make an attempt to "balance" it's decisions so as to appear non partisan. Since when is the truth partisan? If they come down 15 times in a row against a law written and passed by a Rep Congress and explain why, then I would accept that decision even if I hated it personally.
All the court has is it's credibility and to keep it they must make decisions 100% in concert with the intent of the Constitution. If that is lost then they may as well disband the courts, all of them.
Limbaugh is worried about something.
Pray for a just outcome.