In recent history, look at Alec Baldwin, wanting to stone Henry Hyde and his family to death.
Look at the junior-high students last week on the bus harassing the “bus monitor” - they don’t have far to go before they’re perfectly willing to be shoveling people into the ovens.
There’s those barbarians, and then above and beyond them, there’s the idiots who view humanity as a blight on the planet and think that humans should become extinct as a favor to Mother Gaia.
Our last Dark Age lasted almost a thousand years. The next one - which is what we'll surely get if these monsters succeed in their aims - may well last ten thousand. As I've said before, they would rather rule in hell atop a pile of rubble and stinking corpses just so long as they were the ones sitting on top. It's beyond our worst nightmares; it is viciously, sadistically insane. It's what they want and who they are. And there is only one way to stop them.
"I distinguish two ways of being uncivilized. I call them savagery and barbarism, and distinguish them as follows. Savagery is a negative idea. It means not being civilized, and that is all. In practice, I need hardly say, there is no such thing as absolute savagery; there is only relative savagery, that is, being civilized up to a certain point and no more. By barbarism I mean hostility towards civilization; the effort, conscious or unconscious, to become less civilized than you are, either in general or in some special way, and, so far as in you lies, to promote a similar change in others"
from The New Leviathan: Or Man, Society, Civilization and Barbarism 1942
-- R. C. Collingwood.
Collingwood's concept of barbarism fits the wrecking crew behind Obama rather well, and fits my image of these monsters ruling from atop the rubble to a 'T'.
As an aside, I wonder if Quigley and Collingwood ever corresponded with one another?