“Did you notice that Santorum is now actively supporting Romney?”
Maybe he doesn’t want 4 more years of Obama?
“Did you notice that Santorum is now actively supporting Romney?”
“Maybe he doesn’t want 4 more years of Obama?”
Maybe he doesnt want 4 more years of Obama?
But after 4 years of Romney, will we want 4 more years?
Still making excuses for the snake in the grass, st rick, the LIAR, the deceiver? Satan is the master of liars/deceivers. It was obvious who rick serves way back!
He wanted Romney all along - since ‘07 - and he deliberately drew in easily deceived voters. And his idiot voters where too prideful to take warning even though IT WAS OBVIOUS - his supporters are truly the most clueless easily deceived type of voters. Putty in the hands of evil.
Believing a KNOWN LYING politician - the bottom of the class idiots - unteachable! They are the laughing stock of the snakes in the grass, rick and mitt, but they still need his suckers. After all it’s rick supporters fault that LIBERAL baby killing same sex marriage Romney is the one left standing. He wants his supporters to bow to evil one more time, finish the job, so they will be tainted forever with voting evil to the core godless romney.