The reason America is IN PERIL is because
took out GOv. Palin on the “eve” of Election 2008.
Do you remember? Or were on his side, then too?
What amazes me about humans is, I wonder if we ever truly do get to the place where weve had enough? I think not, we keep doing the same insane things over and over and over, inviting the same old problems over and over and wondering like an insane nut why we have the same old insane problems. GEEZE no wonder we have so much insanity in society! Re-electing RINOS. You keep hearing the phrase drinking the Dem koolaide. well the GOP has its own koolaide...electing a RINO who votes with the dems, just to say an R has the seat.
Look at Snowe, Collins, Graham, ret Specter...and many other RINOS. They vote with the demRATS more times than they vote with the GOP.
Zebra’s CANNOT change their stripes, it’s inbred in them.
2012 Pig Book