[[Apparently the belief of the left is that one should sit quietly while being robbed, offering no resistance or defense and thereby avoid having to shoot someone;]]
No- the ‘respo0nsibility’ of the victim being robbed is to leave the house while the robber robs them so that the poor little robber won’t feel nervous while robbing the victim’s house accordign to hte left- otherwise the robber, in the minds of the SCREWED UP FAR LEFT, could sue the homeowner victim for emotional distress accrued while robbin g the voctim- however, the victim isn’t allowed to sue for emotional distress, because victims aren’t allowed to feel distressed no matter what happens- just like George Zimmerman wasn’t allowed to feel distressed about havign is brains bahsed out by a THUG itnent on MURDERING him- accfordign hte FAR LEFT NUTJOBS