Dunno if I’m a dinosaur or what, but I think anyone who has penetration sex with a prepubescent boy or girl should be subject to the death penalty.
Don’t know how far this molestation went, but if it was obvious to Dad what the slime was doing, Dad was fully justified and is a hero.
“Dunno if Im a dinosaur or what”
Probably not. According to science, why the outrage against pedophiles, you’re just a happy coincidence of gravity, how can you be offended by a bad mix of molecules.
I’m a full-blooded Neaderthal myself....Do I get any special consideration? Last of the species I am.
Based upon Dan Savage’s belief, he being a normal homosexual, there are “Good Pedophiles”.
Hell and Death have an urgency....they see their expiration date expiring with the Lord’s return.