“We have a system to challege the President in matter.
1. Elections
2. Electorial College session.”
The standard is not who gets to be on ballots nor who gets to be voted in by the electoral college, but who gets to be president. If any random citizen does not have the standing to enforce the clause guarantying them an NBC as president then standing is some bizarre esoteric standard divorced from common sense and standing in the way of.
This, by the way, is from someone who thinks Obama is an NBC and that birtherism is a waste of time. If the courts can strike down politically motivated challenges, be they against Bush the Younger or Obama, merely because they’re a waste of time, then our legal system would have traded justice for convenience.
Which is not to say that this is a secret. What the heck else are plea bargains about, anyway? It’s just that it’s not always so baldly and obviously unjust. At least with plea bargains you can pretend.
I've always appreciated your honesty and thoughtful comments on the birther threads.
That being said, I couldn't disagree with you more on this.
Then you choose not to believe 0’s family and his own biography of 16 years. And your supportive information has been deemed fraudulent, scrubbed or sealed. Good Grief.
“Standing” is a concept invented by the courts to help them sort through their backlog. In a way, it’s an unconstitutional concept in the first place.