Strauss and his thug patrol went around and twisted arms to get him another term as speaker...Those that wavered a bit to long suffered as well in the redistricting...
Not only did my 68%-70% strong Republican precinct get put into another state rep district, they pretty much assured the incumbent state rep Ken Legler would not be re-elected when that district was pushed up more into a hispanic area of Houston...The elists have two hispanic guys vying it out, but since I do not have a dog in that fight, the hispanic “R’s” this time will probablyh lose in the next cycle =because the Dems wanted that district bad, and our elitist leadership was complicite in that take over...
Ken Legler passed away last week from a heart attack...He awas a great guy and a good friend and always available to talk shop with...
Now, from what I understand the serious challengers to Strauss, one of which I hope is Brian Hughes from up your way...He’s my Dad’s state rep and was considered in the last run, but he (Hughes) read the tea leaves right and just basically told the thugs to go pound sand and try to run him off...
This is what we have to look forward to in Texas, especially after the GOP elitist and leadership were complicite in the destruction of our primary process...
Strauss is going down, and I hope it is hard...So that the next set of RINO’s feels it like a swift boot in their azzes...
Strauss is going down, and I hope it is hard...
Are you saying he won’t win the Speaker position or going down some other way?