You want a powerful snubby, get one like I got...
S&W K frame six shot 44mag with a 3” bbl and custom dinky little roundbutt grips. scandium frame. It kicks like you would not believe. You can’t shoot it 6 times fast without gloves on and even then it is brutal.
Its called a “night guard” something or other. I forget the model number. If I was home I’d get it out and tell ya the number.
.44 Mag Smiths are N frame. </ firearms police> The only .44 they made smaller was the 696 5 shot in .44 Special. (Try to find one!)
S&W K frame in a 44 mag?
Thanks, but I don’t think I’d want to shoot any larger caliber than .38SP in a sub nose. Any more power in a concealable weapon and I’d switch to a pistol, which absorbs the energy better.