.... Romney is the only one in the world that stands between us and 4 more years of Obama... And the destruction of America
If Obama wins, he claims a mandate... 4 years of EPA dictating policy... 4 years of Holder and the media calling us racist...
I can see folks like JimRob hating Romney and sitting out... And ok, fine... But these other folks, that mostly post anti-Romney stuff, are just pure hate.. Tell me the fact they Romney is Mormon doesn’t have a whole lot to do with it. Of course it does
Mind-boggling. They’re doing Axelrod’s and Obama’s dirty work... If folks can’t see the difference between a Romney Pres and Obama, just wow.. When Obama nominates another Afr Amer ultra radical like Van Jones to the SCOTUS (and our side does nothing to block it, else we’re “racist”, he’ll double up and select a Mus-Amer woman... Just to add diversity. Then these folks will be crying, and I don’t wanna hear crap from them. They will have contributed to it!
I’m sick of this race hustler and Romney, warts and all, is far better