Pigs will be pigs. “Putting their lives on the line every day” for us as they run those speed traps, eat them doughnuts, and lecture us on how we’re not qualified (as they are) to handle firearms.
Sound familiar?
Local law enforcement agencies all across America are receiving millions in grant money from the DHS to beef up tactical capabilities.
Advanced, military grade armaments, sophisticated surveillance equipment, armored vehicles, thousands of surveillance drones all being deployed against American citizens without our consent.
Folks, this ain't your father's America. We’z the suspects now.
Patriot act, NDAA, dissolution of posse comitatus, TSA, DHS, armed EPA, Armed HHS officers. An increase of 60,000 IRS agents. UN small arms ban, Law of the sea treaty and on and on.
Not pretty
And shooting the family dog. Seems to be something new they’re doing now.
A firearms instructor I know often says that the worst shots he has to train are cops. Ever wonder what retard hits the ceiling, walls or floor at the gun range. Not me, my wife, or kids ever wasted a shot that way.