This was my first post to you, so rest assured that it will be my last unless you engage me in further conversation, or you happen to post an article to which I elect to comment.
I pinged you only because you were part of such discussions earlier.
Feel free to re-join the discussion anytime.
The only problem I really have with it is that this is not a GOP forum. Never has been, and as long as Jim Robinson owns it, never will be.
Well if, as you say, that's the only problem you had with what I wrote I'll take that as a compliment, thanks.
Strangely, I dont recall ever saying this was a GOP forum.
That said, I am quite sure that Jim speaks for himself without needing the "help" of others.
Who I vote for and why are very dear to me.
Well then you'd better hope Obama doesn't get re-elected and that you make sure you do all you can with those God given blessings you're handing out to everyone everywhere to see to it that it doesn't happen.
Don't be just one of those (too) many " warmed and filled...." (James 2:16) types out there.
Be well.