To: JohnKinAK
I teach my grandkids: "How many people does it take to keep a secret?"
Answer: "One. Any more than that, it isn't a secret any more."
6 posted on
05/31/2012 10:57:11 AM PDT by
Smokin' Joe
(How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing)
To: Smokin' Joe
Or, as the Russians used to say, “Three men can keep a secret, if two of them are dead.”
10 posted on
05/31/2012 11:00:44 AM PDT by
(Big Brutha Be Watchin'.)
To: Smokin' Joe
Doesn’t a secret have to involve more than one person? Otherwise, seems it would just be a thought that you didn’t tell anyone.
11 posted on
05/31/2012 11:00:59 AM PDT by
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