I'm sure it was intensely satisfying to make her look like an idiot. I'm not sure of the wisdom in making the person who has influence (if not control) over your continued employment, and who may be called as a reference by future potential employers, look like an idiot in front of her bosses. Women in particular can be very spiteful and vengeful over such incidents, and have long memories.
True, women can be spiteful, for sure.
I am adjunct and they need a guy to teach during the day. . .and I am retired from two jobs (military and corporate). I have the time and I really don’t need the bucks so I do have some level of protection—she can’t hurt me.
Anyway, that said, I like the job and work hard at getting the students to THINK. . .which is harder than many would think.
The previous chair hired me, good guy, and he was removed after some sort of clash with the union head. She now has his job (acting chair).
Hmmm. . maybe I’ll put in for the job, as that would be delicious if I got it and displaced her!
I might have a chance, given that the college accepted straightaway my letter and distributed it. . . hmmm. . .