To: HiTech RedNeck
I don't see it that way. It appears to me that both Mittens and his GOP-E backers believe they can do just fine flipping the bird to conservatives. And, judging by the way so many are ready to jump on his bandwagon, without extracting any additional commitments from him, they are probably correct.
Romney is going to win this thing easilyand true conservatives are going to spend 4 mre years in the wilderness.
79 posted on
05/25/2012 7:38:32 PM PDT by
(A vote for the lesser of two evils only insures the triumph of evil.)
To: CharacterCounts
Well -- I would see no other reason that Mitt all of a sudden said, that pace Massachusetts, he doesn't want "gay marriage" once Barack and the Dumbkopf came out of the closet for it. Yes, a classic Mitt flip flop, and yes one that is in the right direction. And many signs are that a weak conservative presence in Congress is firming up this fall. If Mitt goes along to get along, his more liberal stuff will find itself starved for sponsors on Capitol Hill. There certainly is no reason to expect unseemly scenes like where Barack Obama stumped for Obamacare.
81 posted on
05/25/2012 7:48:40 PM PDT by
HiTech RedNeck
(Let me ABOs run loose Lou, let me ABOs run loose! They are of much use Lou, so let me ABOs run loose)
To: CharacterCounts
Keep that thought in mind and watch Republicans unable to take over the Senate.
91 posted on
05/25/2012 8:29:56 PM PDT by
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