To: GlockThe Vote
Mitt’s political flip-floppiness shows the silver lining that yes, given sufficient pressure he can be influenced. The pressure needs to keep up; it cannot relax with Obama’s ouster.
72 posted on
05/25/2012 7:20:28 PM PDT by
HiTech RedNeck
(Let me ABOs run loose Lou, let me ABOs run loose! They are of much use Lou, so let me ABOs run loose)
To: HiTech RedNeck
Who is going to effectively apply the pressure?
Do you really think conservatives are going to have any clout?
76 posted on
05/25/2012 7:28:02 PM PDT by
(A vote for the lesser of two evils only insures the triumph of evil.)
To: HiTech RedNeck
Flip flipper has a better chance of doing right thing than 100 percent committed Marxist communist like Obama
77 posted on
05/25/2012 7:29:42 PM PDT by
GlockThe Vote
(The Obama Adminstration: 2nd wave of attacks on America after 9/11)
To: HiTech RedNeck
Mitts political flip-floppiness shows the silver lining that yes, given sufficient pressure he can be influenced. What makes you think conservatives are going to have that sort of leverage? We've seen Republicans far more conservative sellout their principles when exposed to DC culture and the media.
And, Romney KNOWS you'll vote for him no matter what he does. He establishment you and those voting for him are making threats they never follow through on.
143 posted on
05/26/2012 12:59:24 PM PDT by
(Mitt Romney: The greater of two evils) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson