ABO. As many here including myself see this as socialist vs socialist I would at least prefer one that was competent.
“As many here including myself see this as socialist vs socialist I would at least prefer one that was competent.”
Really? If I am going to be in the stalag I prefer it to be run by Kommandant Oberst Wilhelm Klink rather than Kriminalrat Wolfgang Hochstetter, but my real objective is to see the place burned to the ground.
ABO. As many here including myself see this as socialist vs socialist I would at least prefer one that was competent.
....and AMERICAN.
Competent Socialist, or
Incompetent Socialist.
Which would I prefer?
Suppose the Supreme Court knocks down the health care disaster and we have a Republican Congress. Would a competent Socialist or an incompetent Socialist be more likely to be able to saddle us with a new federal health care program?
I hear ya. However the Bishop is a photo negative of the original.
Do you really expect him to do the right thing about anything?
If two socialists are running I would rather see the incompetent socialist win. Somebody who competently institutes socialism is not a good thing.
That said, I would characterize this race as being between a a hardcore tyranical socialist and a known flip flopping liar who is currently running mostly as a conservative.
With Romney, one takes their chances. With Obama one gets Zero.