RE: No wonder that you do not understand that the act of his renouncing his American citizenship makes him scum
If so, then you have just tarred and feathered millions of Americans who renounced their former citizenships to become Americans.
That of course is a canard.
Citizens owe loyalty to their country IN SO FAR AS THEY ARE CITIZENS. There is no overarching Biblical or Moral law that tells us once you are a citizen of country X, leaving that country makes you morally a scum. That may be an invented morality in your book but I don;t see that written in any sacred book anywhere.
The founding fathers of America abandoned their old country to establish and live in a new one. They were not scum for doing that. Why then are those who leave America for another place scum? You have not explained that at all.
When they feel that their government and the system they live under no longer adheres to the principles that attracted them to become citizens in the first place, I don’t see why their leaving for what they perceive to be greener pastures makes them scum.
The history of the world is a history of migrations and changing of domiciles. I don’t see how families moving from one place to another because they feel that their life could be better off doing so, make them scum.
It could even be that people like Saverin are doing the government of America and the rest of us who choose to stay, a favor. They are, by their actions, giving a signal to the US government -— TREAT YOUR ENTREPRENEURS and JOB CREATORS WELL or you will see a flood of exodus, and with that, JOBS and wealth creation.
It is already happening in places like California and Illinois. And If the Californian philosophy of government becomes prevalent in America, I see no reason why it won’t happen on a larger scale in this country.
And oh BTW, you have not answered my question -— DO YOU SUPPORT THE EX-PATRIOT ACT. It’s a simple question that could be answered with a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
The left has done a good job on you.
In your mind becoming an American is nothing special, is not the pinnacle, to do so is no different in evil than an American renouncing the United States.
You’ve come a long way baby.