Wrong. The Psalms were written just like any other scripture; for our instruction, teaching and reproof so that we are equip. The purpose of the contrast of the "wicked" verses the "righteous" in Psalms is so that we understand our nature.
Christians do themselves (and God) a grave disservice in not realizing there are forces that wish nothing more then to destroy the people of God. In every instance of scripture, whenever people of faith compromised their belief, it led to their ruin. There is a great deal to be said about loving others, but we are commanded to love God first-with all our hearts, souls, and minds. I sometimes believe that in our post-modern society with it's emphasis on pandering to everyone, we have simply forgotten this FIRST commandment.
Once more people edit my statements to look like they imply other than what they do, and then criticize the result. This was something I thought only liberals do.
I am saying not a word that is not in line with plenary infallible inspiration. However, God intended the point of view of the MEN (show me a WOMAN written scripture) who penned them to figure integrally in the meaning.