Today most only engage in what used to be called "yellow journalism," in the Martin-Zimmerman case, try to incite the public, create stories, slant stories, even make up the news...rather than objectively reporting "just the facts." And they all seem to insert their own opinions and expect people to agree and believe them as though they are of superior intelligence. Actually most have a simple four-year degree in Journalism, yet they are assuming they have more brain power than today's well educated population, many of whom earned degrees in far more difficult subjects and work in more highly regarded and difficult professions. Yet journalists believe their insight and opinions are singularly important and correct.
I am also sure that the majority of people in the media have less than perfect backgrounds - not much different than most, yet they sit in judgment of others. A little scrutiny would cause them to feel as uneasy as the people they eagerly and gleefully decide to try and destroy.
Where would one start, who would one pick to investigate? Guess the targets will reveal themselves as the writers and commentators continue to play judge and jury to achieve their liberal agendas. Let's see who wants to play next and then, perhaps, we can set our sites.
No need to wait....There are plenty that have already demonstrated this, dont need to wait for them to do it again.
Daily Kos guy
Chris Matthews
Crazy Ed
Just any PMSNBC announcer