She does better now because she fell and fell hard before.<<
It's amazing to me how much moderating the TalkLeft website seems to need to keep civil. Jeralyn was gone most of Monday, and she had to remove numerous posts for the personal attacks. We get snarky over here from time to time, but nothing like that website.
It must be killing them to know that most of Zimmerman's supporters are conservatives like us. :-}
But as I said, I do appreciate the fact that she really does try to keep the speculation to a minimum.
I find her to be honest. Didn't follow the Duke rape case, and only read TalkLeft when it's touching on a case or issue that also has my interest, so don't have an opinion as to how much her handling of that case has shaped her current persona. It seems to me she concludes Zimmerman should not have been charged. Maybe she just jumped to the wrong conclusion, too soon, in the Duke rape case.