Hello SW6906
Now, why would you assume, I was “pissing in the wind” should I chose to vote for someone other than the Democrat / Republican brand.
Can you grantee that under the Republican brand the Federal G’ment will get smaller? If not, I see you as being one who prefers to be the frog in the pot that is SLOWLY boiled instead of getting it over with
No, I cannot guarantee it will get smaller. That is not what we are discussing. That is not the choice this election. The choice is Obama or Romney. Period. Yes, with Romney the pot gets to boiling slower, but I chose that - with the possibility that I can have a Congress and a public that will apply pressure to turn the heat down - over the alternative of most assuredly boiling to death. I don't want to give up and "get it over with". I am not going to oh so quietly give up on my country.