Don’t worry. The Super PAC’s will do all the dirty work. And as a supporter of McCainFeingold, Obambi will have only himself to blame.
You just don’t get it —— Romney has allowed now for the media to control what is off limits on what Romney and his people can potentially say in the future. How many times will the Team Obammy and the media ask Romney:
“Do you condone or will you condemn what these conservatives are saying about Obama here since you condemn the Rev Wright issue?” or “You can’t go there, since you said that you wanted to be ‘above the fray’ on issues like Rev Wright right?”
So while Romney is walking around saying “Obama is a nice guy but just in over his head, the left and the media will be ripping Romney with all of the dirty tricks in the book on his faith, business and character and demanding that if Romney wants to be honorable, he like McCain can’t go into certain areas or fear being looped together with the racists and fear-mongers