Notice I'm not arguing the veracity or truthfulness of the claims, or the validity of the argument.
My point is and remains what the American voting public sees before its eyes, and that which it understands.
Simply stated, the birther issue and all the minutia/facts around it will never be fully understood by enough people in this country to gain traction. Period, end of discussion in my book. Just look at Watergate, most people to this day still think it was about the burglary, when it was around much larger Constitutional issues!
Before you ask, YES I think most people lack the intellectual capacity to grasp the issues around where Obama was born it and understand it in the larger context of the Constitutional issues. The evidence that most people don't get it - and never will - is before our eyes, all one has to do is open them and look.
Having said that, what most people WILL understand is that which they see before their very eyes which is an economy made infinitely worse by the current occupant of the White House. Everyone knows someone who's struggling economically, unemployed/underemployed, losing or lost their home.
In short: IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID and that is the sole issue we should be focusing on. People get that because they're living and struggling with it. Most people are NOT better off today than they were 3.5 years ago when Obama took office. That's an economic FACT that people CAN and WILL get their heads around, not the "birther issue."
I'd also say that continuing along the lines of arguing abou the "birther issue" is going to do nothing but make our side look like a bunch of crack-pots and cause us to lose the needed Independent/Conservative leaning voters we need to win.
If you doubt me, look how the media portrayed the birther movement last time around. Why do you think the Independents went for Obama? Hopey-changey bullshit rhetoric aside, we had folks who despite having the best interests of the Country at heart and doing their level best to defend the Constitution, were labled as crack-pots and worse by the media. That portrayal drove many Independents to vote for Obama.
Anyone who doubts that will happen again and only serve to re-elect Obama is absolutely kidding themselves.
I'd also suggest that IMO the entire "birther issue" was started up again as a disinformation/misinformation campaign designed to keep the discussion away from Obama's abysmal economic record. Anyone who's seen Axelrod operate for 20+ years in politics as I have sitting here in Illinois can't help but think he's at the heart of starting up the birther crap again. I saw what he did to Jack Ryan in the Ryan v. Obama Senate race. Axelrod's a master at starting misinformation/disinformation campaigns designed to distract attention and destroy his opponents.
Even Rush Limbaugh is falling for that tactic, he spent more than an hour wasting time on this topic yesterday.
Now again, I'm not calling those who fervently believe Obama's not a citizien and not qualified to be President names. The media's going to take care of that and help Obama win re-election by dividing the country - again.
I think many involved in the birther issue/movement deeply care about the Constitution and the country. I'm not judging their hearts. What I'm simply saying is the issue's been out there before and has failed to gain traction. That's not a damnation of "birthers" or the facts, rather it's a damnation of the stupidity of the American people.
Winning this election means focusing on Obama's FAILED RECORD, period. Focusing on anything else is a distraction designed to get Obama re-elected. Don't fall for it.
You’re more full o’ sh*t than a Christmas turkey.
And 0bama and Axelrod THANK YOU.
How can that which has never ceased be "started up" again?